

I will store basic examples from the cool languages ​I find. it's something like learnXinYminutes, but the list of examples are the same for every lang.
I prefer less well-known languages.
If you want to add your language, feel free to do PR ^^


  1. create and run project with cli if possible
  2. type declaration person
  3. tagged union declaration if possible
  4. hello world
  5. creating type instance
  6. call function
  7. change instance field
  8. create function for type
  9. loop
  10. if
  11. switch/pm (on tagged union if possible)
  12. some collections

Ready "basics" langs

From ML to imperative or smth :) ML

  • Gleam - BEAM VM, ML-like lang with HM type system, focus on simplicity site
  • Rescript - ML with C-like syntax transpiles to JS, sould type system. site
  • Grain - Wasm nativ ML-like lang site
  • F# - ML by M$ site


  • Rust - System lang with ML like type system and borrow checker. site
  • Niva - Typed Smalltalk where I replaced OOP with tagged unions. JVM interopable. Errors as effects, nullability. site


  • Flix - JVM, powerful effect-oriented programming language site


  • Nim - Transpiles to C, C++, JS, simply best native lang, Lisp's macros, but static typed. site
  • [Nelua] - Lua with types and powerful macro system. site



In progress


  • Unison - Smalltalk + Haskell, Image based, native distributed programming, algebraic effects site
  • Roc - Elm like lang but works on backend, fast compilation, effects in type system site


Real OOP


Lisp Fennel - lua, but lisp with macros site

Simple HTTP server

PRs are welcome

Ready langs

  • Kotlin
  • Gleam
  • Clojure


Some other simple project idea... maybe json\ini parser