
Code challenge de desenvolvimento da "Multiverse Travels Booker API", uma API que gerencia o planejamento de viagens no universo de Rick and Morty. Wubbalubbadubdub!

Multiverse Travels Booker API

This documentation specifies the code for the Multiverse Travels Booker API, intended to manage travel plans in the Rick and Morty universe.

On the home page path / you can see the documentation of the API features in Swagger.

Installation and Usage

NOTE: It is necessary to have installed the Crystal language and the MySQL database management system.

  1. Install dependencies
# Run command
shards install
  1. Build application
# Run command
crystal build --static --release src/ -o bin/api
  1. Configuring Jennifer ORM database connection settings
# File path: ./config/database.yml

default: &default
  user: # database access user
  password: # user password
  adapter: mysql
  skip_dumping_schema_sql: true

# ...

  <<: *default
  db: multiverse_travels_booker # database name
  host: # connection host (Ex: localhost)
  port: # Connection port (Ex: "3306") [Warning: Port needs to be in `String` format]

# ...

  1. Creating the database and tables NOTE: The database and table creation commands use the commands listed in the Makefile file.
# Run command to create the database:
make sam db:create

# Then run command to create the database tables:
make sam db:migrate

# At the end, check that the database and tables were created
  1. Start API
# Run command
KEMAL_ENV=production APP_ENV=production ./bin/api

# The `KEMAL ENV` and `APP_ENV` variables are required to use the production version of the API.
  1. Check logs in terminal
# If everything went well then you will see the logs below:

# ...
# [production] Kemal is ready to lead at
# ...

Usage in Docker

If you have both Docker and Docker compose installed, you can save a lot of effort.

To start the API in the Docker, just run 1 command:

# Run command
docker-compose up -d

# Container log:
# ...
# [production] Kemal is ready to lead at
# ...

Once the containers are working the API can be used.


To develop new features or refactor it is recommended to use Docker, as it provides an isolated and properly configured environment in the file.

  1. Definindo variáveis de ambiente e configurações de conexão
  • Create a ./db/.env.development.local file using the ./db/.env.development.local.example file.
  • Set a password for the root database user in the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable which will be used in the database container.
  • Create a ./.env.development.local file using the ./.env.development.local.example file.
  • Set a value for each variable listed in the file.
  • Create and configure the Jennifer ORM connection file in ./config/database.yml.
# File path: ./config/database.yml

default: &default
  user: root
  password: # user password (Same as defined in MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD variable)
  adapter: mysql
  skip_dumping_schema_sql: true

# ...

  <<: *default
  db: dev_multiverse_travels_booker
  host: dev_db_multiverse_travels_booker # Container Docker
  port: "3306" # Connection port [Warning: Port needs to be in `String` format]

# ...

  1. Starting the development environment
  • To create the development Docker environment run the command below:
# Run command
docker-compose -f up -d

After this process, both the API and the database will be working. NOTE: An initial command seed is run every time containers are built to populate the database with data for development. NOTE: The use of the make scripts/commands listed in the Makefile file is recommended in the development environment to speed up the development process.




  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 8
  • over 1 year ago
  • July 10, 2023

MIT License

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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 16:00:39 GMT
