
Processes data with actor files (templates). The data can be in files, json, database, web or its def files. The def file format is defined in unit files. The unit files are like a database schema and the def files are like database data. Extra setup steps need to be done if needed.

Other template generators has the output as text with code embedded. Here it has special commands to format and output text.

The document is for the python version.


Start. The generator takes a , separated list of actor files followed by a , separated list of input def files. They each are all lumped together.

The first actor's name, is the starting actor. The go_act function loop through all actors with this name.

All comand line arguments are store in the starting node instance as named entries. They are ${0}, ${1} variables. To access these variables else where, prefix it with the starting actor's name like ${.main.1}.

From here, other actors are called with the All, That, This commands.

The calling actor would then have a node instance it can use to output text or to navigate further.


Variable names. Variable names are from the current node with options to get other values. The ${name} gets replaced by the value of the name item. The ${_.D} is from the var D and${}, a route to name. The routes are via a dict or def relations.

The following are variables from the actor window.

The ${} is the current node. The ${._key} variable is the value of the key used for when all key and values are used ( This list. actor ). The ${._lcnt} or ${.-} is the loop counter. The ${.+} is the loop counter plus 1. The ${._arg} is the argument passes to the actor. The ${.0.first} {} is the text first if the loop counter is 0 and rest if > 0.

The ${.main.1}, uses the main actor in the window calling stack for its current node to get the varaible. The other window variables are also available like ${.main..arg} The Du command, calls another actor, but should have the same variable values.

The following are global.

The ${._list.A}, the value is the list item. The ${._set}, the value is the set dict. The ${_.D} is like ${._var.D}. The ${._ins} is output captured between the In on, In off commands.

The format options, reformats the value. ${name:u} converts it to upper case. If the item is a list, ${:-} is the value at the loop index. The ${:sort:join}, sorts the list and the output is a,b,c string.

The strs function in`, replaces the variable names of a string with their values. Some of the actor commands, calls this function for an item so that the item can be combined with variables. This is not done for every item, and can be added if needed.


The use cases.

  • Output - print variable value.
  • Match - compare value.


Special variable names are prefixed by (.).

  • Window - .actor, the def of the actor.
  • Collections - ._set, ._var, ._list
  • Counters - .+, loop counter.
  • Depth - ._depth, the actor stack depth.
  • Arg - ._arg, argument passed from previous actor.
  • Conditional - .0, first or rest of loop counter.
  • Eval - $, the content is re evaluated.
  • Optional - ?, no error on var.


Variable name errors. The errors land up in the generated code to track down the error. Some commands make use of the s_get_var, strs functions that would return the error, but the commands ignore them. The errors are printed though.


The actors The actor are like functions that can be called and a case like statement that matches. The match is (var exp string), the string can have variables in it. Actors of the same name, are the case items. They are given an input node to operate on. The actor has a list of commands it runs through.

The actor match also has a ? to match the variable no error. The ??, matches the not found error. There is no error reported when using it. The error can be on both sides of the equation. name = ${name}

Actor a . ?= test

Here the ?= match for if no error.

Actor a . ??
Actor a . = test

Here the Break will break out of the actor match on error and not get to next one.

Actor a . model = test

Or in some cases, this would also work as the values are the same for both.

The ?model? error is no model field where as ?model.?, is no reference to the model.


Use cases.

  • Navigate - call actor with a def.
  • Collect - collect defs or strings.
  • Limit - break out of loops.
  • Print - print output text.


Command names.

  • All - actor call with all nodes of type.
  • Its - actor call with defs related to current node.
  • Du - actor call with the current node.
  • This - actor call with data from collections
  • That - actor call with nodes from external data like url,db,json,file.
  • C - print output line.
  • Cs - print output with no new line.
  • Break - break out of the actor.
  • Out - delay or omitting output based on further output.
  • Add - Add to collections
  • Clear - Clear collections
  • Check - Check unique in collection


Collection commands. The Add command is to add data to the var,set,list collections. It can also add to me, the current node, or node, some other node. It has command options (Add.) as what to add. It defaults to adding a string. The options are node,me,json The node has a path to a node. var N is to add the current node and Add var Z this is ${name} to add a string value. To use it is ${} or ${_.Z}. set S and Add set B abc is to is to add to a set. Sets do not have duplicates. A flag gets set in the window stack if a duplicate was added. Break cmds for . True will end this actor is the flag is set. Check set B abc does not add, only checks. The Add.break, Check.break, will break the actor loop like the single Break command. To get more break options, use a separate Break command. The Add var also does a check to see if the value added is the same. Like Add.break var done The Add me is to add to the value to the current node if it is a list,set or dict. The is a way to differentiate between using the current node or the string value. A empty string now no longer defaults to the current node. The order of the command options does not matter. is the same as Add list always adds, but it could break before adding a duplicate. For now, use the Check list for duplicates.

The Add.json var E {"ids": [4,5,6], "userId": 7} puts a json node in E. C ${_.E:} - ${_.E.userId:} ${_.E.ids:} ${_.E.ids:0} outputs {'ids': [4, 5, 6], 'userId': 7} - 7 [4, 5, 6] 4. The (:) has the variable formating options. Here it converts the object to a string. It is now possible now to add to this dict with var J.${name} The me is the current node item or it can be a string like Add var J.${name} ${value} The Add.node var J.${name} _.F, can add the var F to this dict. Or Add.node me ${name} _.F to add the F var node to the current node. The ${_.F} is a string whereas _.F is the value in it. This to navigate the a node tree, save it in F with var F, then navigate in another node tree and save it there.

The Add node:_.J ${name} ${value} is the same as Add var J.${name} ${value}


Break command. The Break command is the same as Break actor as it is the default.

The codes returned by the break is 1 for loops, 2 for actor and 3 for commands. The go_act function in, will continue the actor loop if the break was for the comands. It will return 0 if its is for the actor. Else return the value.

The generated code for the Its will continue as long is the return is 0, else returns the returned value. The commands in the go_cmd function that deal with loops, will continue if the return is for the loops or 0. Else it returns the returned value. There is no need for a loop continue as a break for the actor will continue the loop if there was one or continue with the calling actor.

When the Break command specifies the actor the break applies to, it makes the return value negative and puts a flag on the actor one up in the calling stack. The actor with the flag on in the go_act function will return this value as positive. Then all the calling code will react in the same way as before. The break is then for the actor one down. set S and Add set B abc is to is to add to a set. Sets do not have duplicates. A flag gets set in the window stack if a duplicate was added. Break cmds for . True will end this actor is the flag is set. Check set B abc does not add, only checks. The Add.break, Check.break, will break the actor loop like the single Break command. To get more break options, use a separate Break command. The Add var also does a check to see if the value added is the same. Like Add.break var done


Actor calls. The All, Its, This, That and Du commands, calls the new_act function to set up a new actor window on the stack. It passes the arg string. The Du command calls go_act with the current node instance, the others, the generated code that call go_act. The go_act function uses the new node instance. The match uses this instance and return if the match failed. Then it loops through all actors with its given name. Each of these actors, have there own match data and skips the ones that do not match.

The Its, uses the current node, whereas This, uses a node from the collection. They join up to complete a path route.

The That uses data from external sources.


Actor calls.

That db from test.db rows SELECT * from ship
That file at inlet/ include
That json of id.json list_act0
That url.get at response_list
That re_sub ${._var.replace} ${._var.input} output (?<!\$)\$\{((\.)*(\w+)(\.\w+)*)\}n
That regx string ${._var.str} response_list (\w+)\(([\w,\s]+)\)\s+=\s+(\w+)\(([\w,\s]+)\)\s*\*\s*(\w+)\(([\w,\s]+)\)


Loop counter. The All, Its command calls new_act first that sets the next actor's counter to -1. The loop calls the go_act function, that increments the counter on match. The ${.-} is the counter value and ${.+}, the counter +1. Also ${.0.string} for first (if counter is 0) and ${.1.string} for rest. The value is string The Du inherits this value.


Actor matching. Actor have a case like match on all the actors of the same name. Actor list_act Node name = tb1, here it matches the varable name to tb1 Actor list_act Node name = ${._arg}, here it matches the varable name to the argument passed. The &= would be false if the previous one failed. The |= would be true if the previous one was true. The variable has a ? option like name ?= tb1. This would fail if name does not exist. In this case no error is printed and the global errors flag is not updated - not seen as an error.


Match cases.

  • Equal - (=), var equal to value.
  • In - (in), var is in the value list
  • Has - (has), var list is in the value
  • Is - (is), sorted var list is the same as the sorted value list


Input files.


Input files. The input files are word based separated by tabs or spaces. The last column can be a variable string (V1), that is the string to the end of the line. There is one whitespace between the previous word and it. Use a padding word before it to get all the columns alligned if needed.


Other input. Json files can be loaded at runtime that operate the same way that the rest does. Other file types are not done here.


Load errors. The input file loader, prints errors as it goes along, mainly the parent and refs. The run time only checks these, but does not generate errors.


Data type

  • Word - C1, word.
  • String - V1, string to end of line.
  • Local - F1, link to local comp - same parent - needs a Ref.
  • Ref - R1, link to top level comp - Find - needs a Ref.
  • Indirect - L1, link to child of previous link - R1 for first, L1 for chain - needs a Ref2.
  • Copy - U0, use a ref field in a node that is refed by a field in the current node - needs a Refu.
  • Nest - N1, control field of a nested node.


Node nesting. A control field of a nested node. The value 1 is for the top level, 2, next level down and so on. This is to create a tree from one node type. To navigate to the nodes one level down, use Its group. The value 0 is for nodes that do not form part of this set. There can be more than one control field for different tree layouts.

Comp Frame parent Model FindIn

	Element group      N1 WORD       * search navigation group index tree


Actor stack windows


Use cases.

  • Store - stores values needed.
  • Stack - window are stored on the calling stack.
  • Access - access to stack items.


Window variables.

  • name - actor name
  • cnt - loop counter
  • dat - node instance
  • attr - node variable
  • eq - equation
  • value - compare value
  • arg - argument passed from previos actor
  • flno - line number of the calling actor
  • is_on - out delay is on
  • is_trig - out delay is triggered
  • is_prev - previous actor has trigger
  • on_pos - cmd index for trigger
  • cur_pos - current cmd index
  • cur_act - current actor index


refs Comp (Component) = Table Each Comp definition is essentially describing a table structure. Element = Field The Element entries within a Comp are describing the fields or columns of that table. Ref, Ref2, Refu = Relationships These seem to be defining different types of relationships or links between the tables (Comps) and their fields (Elements).

This analogy helps to clarify the overall structure being described in the document. It suggests that the system is defining a data model with interconnected components, similar to a relational database schema but with some additional complexity in how the relationships are defined and navigated. The parent attribute in the Comp definitions could be seen as establishing a hierarchy or inheritance between tables, which is a concept that goes beyond simple relational database models. The Find and FindIn attributes might be related to how these components can be searched or queried within the system. With this understanding, the document appears to be describing a sophisticated data modeling and navigation system, with the ability to define complex relationships and navigation paths between different data components.

The definition of Comp,Element from gen.unit.

Comp Comp parent . Find
* Loader definition for defining components.

	Element name   C1 NAME          * of component.
	Element nop    C1 WORD          * ignored.
	Element parent R1 COMP          * its parent.
	Element find   C1 WORD          * if need to be found.
		Opt Find                    * for top level comps
		Opt FindIn                  * for nested comps
		Opt .                       * has no name field or not needed.
	Element doc    V1 WORD          * documentation string

Ref parent Comp .

Comp Element parent Comp FindIn
* Loader definition for defining component's elements.

	Element name C1 NAME  * of element
	Element mw   C1 WORD  * storage type
		Opt C1          * word
		Opt V1          * string to end of line.
		Opt F1          * link to local comp - same parent - needs a Ref.
		Opt R1          * link to top level comp - Find - needs a Ref.
		Opt L1          * link to child of previous link - uses R1,U0 for first, L1 for chain - needs a Ref2.
		Opt N1          * nested comp
		Opt U0          * copies a link from a previous link  - no input - needs a Refu
	Element mw2  C1 WORD  * parser type - not used
	Element pad  C1 WORD  * separator
	Element doc  V1 WORD  * documentation string

The definition of Ref,Ref2,Refu from gen.unit.

Comp Ref parent Comp
* Relation of element to comp

	Element element F1 ELEMENT       * link to local element
	Element comp    R1 COMP          * link to comp
	Element opt     C1 WORD          * optional or check - error if not found
		Opt check                    * check - error if not found
		Opt .                        * optional, if value is also a (.)
		Opt ?                        * no error if not found
	Element var     C1 WORD          * not used
	Element doc     V1 WORD          * doc string
Ref element Element check
Ref comp Comp       check
Comp Ref2 parent Comp
* Relation of element to comp and child of comp

	Element element  F1 ELEMENT       * link to remote element
	Element comp     R1 COMP          * linking Comp
	Element element2 F1 ELEMENT       * use this link for remote parent
	Element opt      C1 WORD          * optional or check - error if not found
		Opt check                 * check
		Opt .                     * optional value to use
	Element var      C1 WORD          * not used
	Element doc      V1 WORD          * doc string
Ref element  Element check
Ref comp     Comp    check
Ref element2 Element check
Comp Refu parent Comp
* Copy of element to comp and child of comp

	Element element  F1 ELEMENT       * link to remote element
	Element comp     R1 COMP          * linking and ref Comp
	Element element2 C1 ELEMENT       * use this element 
	Element comp_ref R1 COMP          * ref Comp if comps differ
	Element element3 C1 ELEMENT       * use this link from element for remote parent
	Element opt      C1 WORD          * optional or check - error if not found
		Opt check                 * check
		Opt .                     * optional value to use
	Element var      C1 WORD          * not used
	Element doc      V1 WORD          * doc string
Ref element  Element check
Ref comp     Comp    check
Ref comp_ref Comp    check

These make up the defintions for the core generator to generate the application generators. They live in bld and app/bld2 (newer version).

May sound abstract, but it defines itself. May get yourself lost by modifing it.

Knowledge graphs captures information, but may not capture enough detail how to navigate the graph. The result end up hard codeing the graph's navigation.

The Ref's captures the navigation paths while also ensuring the input is valid.

One input file is used by many actor files to generate even more output files. So the input needs to be simple for the actors to use and also have enough detail for the actors to be not hard coded.

The actors also need to be robust enough to deal with input changes. The input needs to be captued without too much detail.

The core-gen is a boot strap to generate the application generator. For this it needs the graph diagram of the input. The app generator is then hard coded to navigate this graph.

The Its command navigates from the current node to other nodes via its relations. The All command, navigates to all node of a type.

A Ref links a nodes's field to some other node. It can only link to nodes that do not have a parent (top level nodes). These are done in the first pass.

The Ref2 link to a node by using some other link for the parent to find the node in it.

The Refu uses a link to a node and copies some other link of it.

These run in the second pass in the order of the the Elements of the unit files. Can get a not resolved error if some thing uses a later item. There is a multi pass option refs_multi_pass to solve this.

The Refu,Ref2 combination replaces the Ref3,Refq of other implementations.

Comp Table parent . Find

	Element name C1 NAME             * Its name.

Comp Attr parent Table FindIn

	Element table    R1 TABLE            * Pointer to (Table).
	Element name     C1 NAME             * Colomn name.

Ref table Table .

On the Attr node, Its table is the same as All Table with an actor match of name = ${.prev_act.table} The .prev_act is any actor name that is in the calling stack. That actor has the reference to Attr node that it was working on to get the value of the table variable.

Comp Where parent Table

	Element attr     F1 Attr      * Field name
	Element table    U0 Table     * the table of the attr
	Element from_id  L1 Attr      * From id
	Element table2   U0 Table     * the table of the from attr

Ref      attr Attr                           check
Refu    table Table  attr    Attr table
Ref2  from_id Attr   table
Refu   table2 Table  from_id Attr table

On the Where node, Its attr is the same as Its parent.Attr with an actor match of name = ${.prev_act.attr}. The Its table is the same as Its attr.table. The Its from_id is the same as Its table.Attr with an actor match of name = ${.prev_act.from_id} The Refu is the attr.table part and the Ref2, the .attr with the match. The second Refu chains to another table2. So Its table2 is the same as Its from_id.table. So now another Ref2 can go from there.

To go from the Attr node to the Where node, Its Where_attr is the same as Its parent.Where with actor match attr = ${} and Its Where_from_id, the same as Its parent.Where with actor match from_id = ${}

For refs fields, the variable names work the same as as the Its command. On the Attr node, it can use ${} and ${}

The Its command can hadle none to many relations. The variables will give an error if none, or just use the first one. It asumes you know wat jou are doing. The variables can't go into child nodes.

Comp Domain parent . Find

	Element name       C1 WORD       * node name

Comp Model parent Domain FindIn

	Element name       C1 WORD       * node name

Comp Frame parent Model FindIn

	Element group      N1 WORD       * search navigation group index tree
	Element domain     R1 Domain     * ref to domain

Ref domain Domain .

Comp A parent Frame FindIn
* Use domain from parent
* The U0 is a hidden field - only has the pointer

	Element domain     U0 Domain     * the domain of frame
	Element model      L1 Model      * ref to model

Refu domain Domain parent Frame domain .
Ref2 model Model domain .

Here Its domain is the same as Its parent.domain. The Ref2 will then use the domain to find a model for it.

The group element with the N1 is a nested field. With the Its group, it can get to its sub nodes with a value one higher than the current one, up to the one with the same level. The values of zero are skipped. Previous versions had more directions to navigate.

From the gen.unit file of the base generator

Comp Comp parent . Find

	Element name   C1 NAME          * of component.
	Element parent R1 COMP          * its parent.

Ref parent Comp .

Comp Element parent Comp FindIn

	Element name C1 NAME  * of element
	Element mw   C1 WORD  * storage type
	Element mw2  C1 WORD  * parser type - not used
Comp Ref parent Comp

	Element element F1 ELEMENT       * link to local element
	Element comp    R1 COMP          * link to comp
	Element opt     C1 WORD          * optional or check - error if not found
Ref element Element check
Ref    comp Comp    check

This works the same way as the app unit files do. On a Element node it can get a value in a Ref node with ${Ref_element.opt} This is because the Ref has a link to the Element on the element field and this is just a reverse of it. The Element node could have included comp,opt and not need the reverse link and just use ${opt}. But then some of then use Ref2,Refu that has many more fields that also have to be included. Most of the elements do not use refs and would make it look messy. A usefull technique to master.

Added the p_check.act in app/bld to see if the units files are correct to some degree. You can build simular ones to see if the input def files are valid for the actor files that use them as they just assume it is all correct. It can help with debuging.

The Refu,Ref2 are dependent on other relations that may be not resolved yet. For this it does a multiple passes, but can get stuck on cirular ones. All references start off as -1. As they get resolved they change, or go to -2 for no match. A count of all the -1 ones are returned and when 0, the multiple pass stop. If the count remains the same between passes, it mean it is stuck and not more passes are needed. It then does another pass to display the errors. This is only needed for when a single pass does not work. It is also possible to have some error in the unit files for an unresolved reference. An unresolved reference is an error even if no match is not.

To use this option, the err = run.refs(glob.acts) in need to be changed to err = run.refs_multi_pass(glob.acts)

The refs have an option flag to specify how to deal with not found errors. If it is check, then it will be an error. If it is ?, then there is no error. Otherwise it is the optional value to use when none. It is an error if not found and the value looking for is different to this. It can be (.) or anything else like None.

The core generator is the building blocks needed to define the input schema to generate the application generator. Each generator has its own schema, but the the run-time engine is common to all.

The generated code of the generators is used to load input files, navigate between nodes and get values from a node. The run-time engine uses a script like file that interacts with the generated code.

The unit files (schema) define what the input files look like. The loader loads the input into the generated classes and build up the the relations between them. The loader is generated based on the unit files. The core generator has the generated loader and classes for loading and navigating unit files.


Motivation for Conversion:

The primary motivation for simplifying the join syntax should be to improve accessibility for novice users. By offering a more intuitive and self-documenting approach, you can lower the learning curve and encourage wider adoption of the system.

Benefits of a Custom DSL for Input:

Here's a breakdown of the value proposition of a custom Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for input:

Reduced Complexity: A custom DSL can provide a more concise and focused language specifically tailored to defining data models and their relationships. This reduces the need for users to learn a general-purpose programming language or a complex configuration format.
Improved Readability: Custom DSLs can leverage keywords and syntax conventions that are meaningful within the context of the data model. This makes the input files easier to understand and maintain, especially for non-technical users.
Error Prevention: By enforcing specific structures and validation rules within the DSL, you can help prevent syntax errors and invalid configurations during input definition. This leads to more robust and reliable data models.
Extensibility: A well-designed custom DSL can be extended to accommodate future requirements without significantly altering the existing syntax. This allows for future growth and adaptation of the system.
Separation of Concerns: Defining input using a dedicated DSL separates the data model from the processing logic of the application. This promotes code clarity and maintainability.

Added the Join to the generator for the app/tst/def_unit.act to convert the refs usable for the unit files.

The Join attr to Attr will find a path to the Attr and create the Element and the refs to link them. The Join a to A using frame, will use frame element to find the A comp. The Join table from Type using attr Attr table will copy the table field from the comp referenced by the attr element.



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