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A Crystal client for the DotA 2 API.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: azah/dotacr


require "dota"

Get your steam API key here, and configure Dotacr to use it:

Dota.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "abcxyz"

  # Set API version (defaults to "v1")
  # config.api_version = "v1"

Then use the client:

api = Dota.api

Supported API Methods

api.hero(13)                            # => (Cached) A single hero - "Puck"
api.heroes                              # => (Cached) All heroes

api.item(114)                           # => (Cached) A single item - "Heart of Tarrasque"
api.items                               # => (Cached) All items

api.ability(5003)                       # => (Cached) A single ability - "Mana Break"
api.abilities                           # => (Cached) All abilities

api.team(1375614)                       # => A single team - "Newbee"
api.teams                               # => A list of teams

api.teams({"after" => 1375614})         # Allowed options:
                                        # :after - Integer, With team IDs equal or greater than this
                                        # :limit - Integer, Amount of teams to return (default is 100)

api.leagues                             # => All leagues

api.matches(789645621)                  # => A single match - "Newbee vs Vici Gaming"
api.matches                             # => A list of matches
api.matches({"hero_id" => 43})          # Allowed options:
                                        # :hero_id     - Integer, With this hero. See Dota::API::Hero.mapping
                                        # :after       - Integer, With match IDs equal or greater than this
                                        # :player_id   - Integer, With this player (32-bit Steam ID)
                                        # :league_id   - Integer, In this league. Use Dota.leagues to get a list of leagues
                                        # :mode_id     - Integer, In this game mode. See Dota::API::Match::MODES
                                        # :skill_level - Integer, In this skill level (ignored if :player_id is provided). See Dota::API::Match::SkillLevels
                                        # :from        - Integer, Minimum timestamp
                                        # :to          - Integer, Maximum timestamp
                                        # :min_players - Integer, With at least this number of players
                                        # :league_only - Boolean, Only league matches
                                        # :limit       - Integer, Amount of matches to return (default is 100)

api.live_matches                        # => All live league matches
api.live_matches({"league_id" => 600})  # Allowed options:
                                        # :league_id - Integer, In this league. Use Dota.leagues to get a list of leagues
                                        # :match_id  - Integer, With this match

api.cosmetic_rarities                   # => All cosmetic rarities

api.friends(76561198052976237)           # => All friends of user

Custom Requests

For the unsupported endpoints, you can use api.get. For example, the following code is similar to api.matches(789645621) except it will return the raw JSON payload instead of an array of Dota::Matches.

api.get(<Method>, <Class>, <Interface>, <Options Hash>)
api.get("GetMatchDetails", API::Match, "IDOTA2Match_570", {"match_id" => 789645621})

Note: For queries that return an array of objects, you must use the relative list class:

  • Match => MatchesList
  • BasicMatch => BasicMatchesList
  • League => LeaguesList
  • etc.

You can also get the response as JSON::Any, with #get_JSON_any:

api.get_JSON_any("GetMatchDetails", "IDOTA2Match_570", {"match_id" => 789645621, "api_version" => "v1"})

API Objects


hero.id        # Int8, ID of the hero
hero.name      # String, Name of the hero
hero.image_url # String, URL of the hero portrait


item.id        # Int32
item.name      # String
item.image_url # String


ability.id        # Int32
ability.name      # String -> "Beserker's Call"
ability.fullName  # String -> "Axe Beserker's Call"



list.status  # Int8
list.teams   # Array(Dota::API::Team)
team.player_ids                   # Array(Int32)
team.name                         # String
team.tag                          # String
team.country_code                 # String, ISO 3166-1 country code (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Current_codes)
team.admin_id                     # Integer, Team admin's 32-bit Steam ID
team.player_ids                   # Array[Integer], Players' 32-bit Steam IDs
team.logo                         # String, UGC ID of the team's logo
team.logo_sponsor                 # String, UGC ID of the team's logo
team.url                          # String, URL of the team's website
team.time_created                 # Int32
team.games_played                 # Int16
team.player0_id                   # Int32 | Nil
team.player6_id                   # Int32 | Nil
team.calibration_games_remaining  # Int8


LeaguesList has one member: leagues: Array(Dota::API::League).

league.id          # Int32
league.name        # String
league.description # String
league.url         # String
league.itemdef     # Int32

enum Tiers
    Amateur      = 1


Caveat: Getting a list of matches via api.matches will call GetMatchHistory which has very few attributes for the matches returned (obviously for performance reasons), as opposed to getting info about a particular match via api.matches(id) which will instead call GetMatchDetails. The former uses Dota::API::BasicMatch, the latter uses Dota::API::Match.


The response will always be Dota::API::BasicMatchesList, even if there are 0 results.

list.status             # Int32
list.num_results        # Int32
list.total_results      # Int32
list.results_remaining  # Int32
list.matches            # Array(Dota::API::BasicMatch)
basicMatch.match_id        # Int64
basicmatch.match_seq_num   # Int64
basicMatch.start_time      # Int32
basicMatch.lobby_type      # Dota::API::MatchStatus::GameModes
basicMatch.radiant_team_id # In32
basicMatch.dire_team_id    # Int32
basicMatch.players         # Array(Dota::API::BasicPlayer)


account_id    # Int64 | Nil
player_slot   # Int8
hero_id       # Int32


Dota::API::MatchesList has one member: matches: Array(Dota::API::Match).

match.radiant                 # Dota::API::Match::Side
match.dire                    # Dota::API::Match::Side
match.id                      # Int64
match.radiant_win             # Bool
match.duration                # Int32, Length of the match, in seconds since the match began
match.pre_game_duration       # Int32
match.start_time              # Int32
match.match_seq_num           # Int64
match.tower_status_radiant    # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Towers
match.tower_status_dire       # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Towers
match.barracks_status_radiant # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Barracks
match.barracks_status_dire    # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Barracks
match.cluster                 # Int32
match.first_blood_time        # Int32
match.lobby_type              # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::GameModes
match.human_players           # Int8
match.leagueid                # Int32
match.positive_votes          # Int32
match.negative_votes          # Int32
match.game_mode               # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::GameModes
match.flags                   # Int32
match.engine                  # Int32
match.radiant_score           # Int32,
match.dire_score              # Int32,
match.radiant_team_id         # Int32 | Nil
match.radiant_name            # String | Nil
match.radiant_logo            # String | Nil
match.radiant_team_complete   # Int32 | Nil
match.dire_team_id            # Int32 | Nil
match.dire_name               # String | Nil
match.dire_team_complete      # Int32 | Nil
match.radiant_captain         # Int32 | Nil
match.dire_captain            # Int32 | Nil
match.picks_bans              # Array(Dota::API::Match::Draft) | Nil, Picks and bans in the match, if the game mode is "Captains Mode"
match.players                 # Array(Dota::API::Match::Player) | Nil

# Dota::API::Match::Draft
draft.order          # Integer, 1-20
draft.pick?          # Boolean, true if the draft is a pick, and not a ban
draft.team           # Enum, Dota::API::PlayerStatus::Teams
draft.hero_id        # Int32

# Dota::API::Match::Player
player.account_id    # Int64
player.player_slot   # Int8
player.hero_id       # Int8
player.kills         # Int16
player.deaths        # Int16
player.assists       # Int16
player.leaver_status # Dota::API::PlayerStatus::Status
player.last_hits     # Int16
player.denies        # Int16
player.gold_per_min  # Int16
player.xp_per_min    # Int16
player.item0_id      # Int16
player.item1_id      # Int16
player.item2_id      # Int16
player.item3_id      # Int16
player.item4_id      # Int16
player.item5_id      # Int16

# Dota::API::Match::Side
side.score           # Int32
side.barracks_status # Dota::API::MatchStatus::Barracks
side.tower_status    # Dota::API::MatchStatus::Towers
side.team_id         # Int32 | Nil
side.team_name       # String | Nil
side.team_logo       # String | Nil
side.team_complete   # Int32 | Nil
side.picks_bans      # Array(Dota::API::Match::Draft) | Nil
side.players         # Array(Dota::API::Match::Player) | Nil

Live Matches

Dota::API::LiveMatchesList has one member: liveMatches: Array(Dota::API::Match).

live_match.radiant          # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Side
live_match.dire             # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Side

live_match.id               # Int64
live_match.lobby_id         # Int64
live_match.spectators       # Int32
live_match.league_id        # Int32
live_match.stream_delay     # Int32, Number of seconds the stream is behind actual game time
live_match.series_type      # Int8, Best of X series
live_match.league_tier      # Enum, Dota::API::League::Tiers
live_match.duration         # Integer, Length of the match, in seconds since the match began
live_match.roshan_timer     # Int16
live_match.scoreboard       # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Scoreboard
live_match.players          # Array(Dota::API::LiveMatch::SimplePlayer)
live_match.dire_team        # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Team

sp.account_id               # Int64
sp.name                     # String
sp.hero_id                  # Int32
sp.team                     # Enum, Dota::API::PlayerStatus::Teams

t.name                      # String
t.id                        # Int64
t.logo                      # String
t.complete                  # Bool

sb.duration                 # Float32
sb.roshan_respawn_timer     # Int16
sb.radiant                  # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Side
sb.dire                     # Dota::API::LiveMatch::Side


side.score           # Int32
side.tower_state     # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Towers
side.barracks_state  # Enum, Dota::API::MatchStatus::Barracks
side.picks           # Array(Pick) | Nil
side.bans            # Array(Bans) | Nil
side.players         # Array(LivePlayer)
side.abilities       # Array(Ability) | Nil

pick.hero_id         # Int32

ban.hero_id          # Int32

ablity_id            # Int32
ability_level        # Int8

lp.account_id         # Int64
lp.player_slot        # Int8
lp.level              # Int8
lp.kills              # Int16
lp.deaths             # Int16
lp.assists            # Int16
lp.denies             # Int16
lp.gold               # Int32
lp.gold_per_min       # Int16
lp.xp_per_min         # Int16
lp.ultimate_state     # Int8
lp.ultimate_cooldown  # Int32
lp.respawn_timer      # Int32
lp.position_x         # Float32
lp.position_y         # Float32
lp.net_worth          # Int32
lp.item0_id           # Int16
lp.item5_id           # Int16


Dota::API::FriendsList has one member: friends: Array(Dota::API::Friend).

friend.steamid         # String
friend.relationship    # String
friend.friend_since    # Int32



  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/azah/dotacr/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • azah Andrew Zah - creator, maintainer


  • 0
  • 0
  • 2
  • 0
  • 1
  • almost 7 years ago
  • April 16, 2018

MIT License

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Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:03:22 GMT
