
A library for testing HTML strings in Crystal projects

HTML Test Utils

HTML Test Utils is a library that makes it easier to test generated HTML in your Crystal projects. Largely inspired by Vue Test Utils, and powered by Lexbor.

Why HTML Test Utils?

Testing HTML strings in Crystal isn't easy. It's possible to use Regex or Lexbor to test the structure and content of HTML, but neither one is very convenient. HTML Test Utils provides just this convenience, making it easy to traverse the structure of an HTML document, and query the elements in the ways that would be used during testing.

What HTML Test Utils isn't

HTML Test Utils is not a testing framework. It still needs to be used with an existing framework, like or Crystal's buit-in spec library. What it is, is objects and methods that make it easy to test your HTML string.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: HCLarsen/html_test_utils
  2. Run shards install


Using HTML Test Utils starts with passing an HTML format string to HTMLTestUtils.parse. This returns a HTMLTestUtils::Wrapper object.

require "html_test_utils"

html = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1><ul><li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,</li><li>consectetur adipiscing elit,</li><li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.</li></ul></body></html>"

wrapper = HTMLTestUtils.parse(html)

Once parsed, it's easy to find any HTML element within the document using the #find method with CSS selectors, which also returns a Wrapper object. Once obtained, a series of query methods can be used to determine the properties of the element, including the text content.

title = wrapper.find("#title")
title.exists?       #=> true
title.text          #=> "Lorum Ipsum"

When multiple elements are needed, a convenient #find_all method can be used to return an Array of Wrapper objects.

list_items = wrapper.find_all("li")
list_items.size     #=> 3
list_items[0].text  #=> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,"


TODO: Write development instructions here


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 0
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  • 2
  • over 1 year ago
  • September 24, 2023

MIT License

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Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:34:42 GMT
