mpngin v1.1.1

A simple and fast URL shortener with built in stats.

MPNG.IN Crystal CI

A simple and fast URL shortener with built in stats. Requires Redis and assumes it is local for lowest possible latency.


Copy env.example to .env and set the values. For the SECRET_TOKEN you can generate one with $ crystal eval "puts Random::Secure.hex(32)".

NOTE: If building in release mode for production, ensure KEMAL_ENV is uncommented in .env and set to production.

Then run:

shards install
crystal run src/

Production Use

For production, make a release build with KEMAL_ENV uncommented in .env and set to production:

# Assumes .env file is correctly filled out, including KEMAL_ENV=production
shards build --production --release --static --progress

The .env must accompany the built binary at the same filesystem level. Example production tree:

|_ mpngin (binary)
|_ .env


Creating an short URL and getting the stats require an application key first.

  1. Create an application first:
➜ curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:7001/application" -H "Authorization: bearer <SECRET_TOKEN_HERE>"

# New app key response
  1. Use the app key in place of the SECRET_TOKEN to make shortened URLs, passing in the final redirect to URL as a application/x-form-urlencoded body param named redirect_url:
➜ curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:7001/" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     --data-urlencode "redirect_url="

# Your shiny new shortened redirect URL
  1. Get number of requests for this shortened URL:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/541450/stats" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \
     -H 'Accept: text/plain'

# Request count response

Dynamic Short Link Domain at Request Time

You can change the top-level short link domain at request time via the short_url parameter when creating a short link. For example, if normally you use for the short URL but want to use instead on a per-request basis, you can easily do so:

➜ curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:7001/" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     --data-urlencode "redirect_url=" \
     --data-urlencode "short_url="

# Your shiny new shortened redirect URL with custom short domain

Note: Short codes are unique per short URL

Link Inspect

To get more detailed information, you can also inspect a link to get info such as the expanded link and request count with a report timestamp in which ever format you need:

# For JSON:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/541450/inspect.json" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response

# For HTML:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/541450/inspect.html" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

# For CSV:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/541450/inspect.csv" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response
"Short Link","Expanded Link","Request Count","Report Date"

Link Report

MPNGIN can generate a link report in JSON, CSV, or HTML format. Use your SECRET_TOKEN to request the report endoint in which ever format you need:

# For JSON:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/report.json" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response

# For HTML:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/report.html" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

# For CSV:
➜ curl "http://localhost:7001/report.csv" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer d48655ff210c3e9e4ed8f6ad4f1923a3' \

# Response
"Short Link","Expanded Link","Request Count"

HTML Report Customization

MPNGIN uses ECR to generate a plain table styled by Bootstrap. You can customize the layout (src/views/layouts/layout.ecr) or the table itself (src/views/report.ecr).

CSV Filename Customization

You can change the file name provided for the downloaded CSV by setting LINK_REPORT_CSV_NAME ENV variable (without extension). See the env.sample file.

Note: All downstream applications get the same report. That is, short links are not scoped to downstream applications.


For spec tests:

KEMAL_ENV=test crystal spec

Static Analysis

To run static analysis checks, use locally installed Ameba (comes with shards install):



  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 33
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 6
  • over 1 year ago
  • May 26, 2018

MIT License

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Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:48:08 GMT
