Analyzing all the source-code using the Crystal programming language

Crystal Mine

Source code of the Crystal Mine

Setup Development environment

  • Create a Personal Access token with a name that you can easily recognize, e.g. "Crystal Mine Development Token" using the following rights:
   x public_repo

   x read:user
   x user:email
  • Save your GitHub username and the token it in a file called config.txt like this:

Docker compose for development

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Docker compose (e.g. pip install docker-compose)
  3. Copy docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml and change it according to your taste.
  4. Build: docker-compose build
  5. Start docker-compose up
  6. Collect some data: docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal src/ --repos spec/repos.txt
  7. Visit http://localhost:6002

Run tests

docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal spec

Run test files separately

docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal spec/
docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal spec/

Data Collecion:

A single URL

docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal src/ --url

Or create a file with a list of repo URLs and then call

docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal src/ --repos spec/repos.txt
docker exec -it crystal-minecr_cron_1 crystal src/ --repos spec/many_repos.txt

Web application

crystal run src/

Build sentry:

crystal build --release lib/sentry/src/ -o ./bin/sentry

Run with sentry

./bin/sentry -b "crystal build src/ -o bin/webapp" -r bin/webapp


Generate CSS file (public/bulma.css) from SCSS file (sass/mystles.scss):

docker run --rm -it -v$(pwd):/opt --workdir=/opt node:14.15 npm install && npm run css-build

Add fields to collect and display

  1. Add to database schema (in db)
  2. Add to store_in_db (in db)
  3. Run crystal/ that will update the *.sql and *.json files in spec/
  4. Add columns to FIELDS and to parse_row
  5. Add columns to the display template

  • 3
  • 0
  • 26
  • 0
  • 7
  • almost 3 years ago
  • May 19, 2021

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Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:37:33 GMT
