


Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Workflow
    1. Development
    2. Test and Lint
    3. Format
    4. Production
    5. Clean-up
    6. Documentation
    7. Playground
  3. Using raleigh as a project template
  4. License


You'll need the following on your system:

  • crystal version >=1.6.0
  • shards version >=0.17.1
  • node version >=16.14.2
  • npm version >=8.5.0

The tool that raleigh uses to watch files for changes is called reflex and it's a zero dependency Go tool that weighs ~3MB. You can learn more about reflex in it's official repository.

The project uses the reflex binary which is shipped in the ./bin directory. If you want to fetch reflex from source and build it yourself, make sure you use reflex version 0.3.1 and place the binary in ./bin directory.


To get started, install the dependencies that are defined in shards.yml and ./src/package.json.

  1. Install server dependencies
shards install
  1. Install client dependencies
npm i

You're now ready to work on the project. All the commands available reside in the Makefile. You'll find a list of some of the commands that you'll use regularly in the next sections.


  • make watch/client to watch and trigger a live reload on changes to js|jsx|scss files.
  • make watch/server to watch and trigger a live reload on changes to cr|ecr files.
  • make watch/all to run the previous two commands in parallel. You'll use this.

Environment Variables:

During watch/server, the environment variables that reside in ./config/dev.env will be injected to the environment. Add the variables that your app needs to this file. Note that this file is not checked into VCS. You can use ./config/dev.env.example as a guide.

Test and Lint

  • make run/tests to run Crystal spec.
  • make lint/server to lint cr files.
  • make lint/client to lint js|jsx files.


  • make fmt/client to format client files using eslint.
  • make fmt/server to format server files using crystal tool


  • make build/all to build js|jsx|scss files and cr files in production mode. The output will be moved to dist directory at the root of the project.

You can then run PRODUCTION=true ./raleigh to start the application in production mode.

Environment Variables:

Unlike watch mode, in production mode you're responsible of providing the environment variables that the app needs.


  • make clean to remove compiled files and generated directories.


  • make docs/generate to generate Crystal docs.
  • make docs/serve to server Crystal docs locally with python3


  • make playground/serve to serve Crystal playground.

Using raleigh as a project template

If you'd like to use raleigh as a boilerplate for your next server-side application, you can clone the repo at the tag v0.1.1, change all instances of raleigh and Raleigh to the desired name and get to work. There's also a release for this tag on GitHub releases which includes a tarball of the source code.

If you'd like to browse the repo at this point, visit the relevant tree.


raleigh is released under AGPL-3.0.



  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
  • about 2 years ago
  • December 12, 2022

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Synced at

Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:28:30 GMT
