A library for computing with physical quantities that enforces the rules of dimensional analysis (at compile time whenever possible, with decay to runtime checking for indeterminate units). For example, Units.from_meters(2) + Units.from_seconds(3)
will not even compile:
In src/compile_time_unit.cr:103:23
103 | CompileTimeUnit.assert_same_units!(self, other)
Error: Refusing to compile because `m` and `s` are not compatible units
For more details about the unit checking system, see Automatic Unit Checking.
Building and Casting Units
require "units"
# Units can be constructed with the `from_*` family, which support most
# quantites:
a_length = Units.from_yards(1)
# Under the hood, `units` stores everything in SI base units. So, printing
# your quantity will display the SI equivalent:
puts a_length # => 0.9144 m
# Every `from_` constructor has a complementary `to_` method. `from_` will
# wrap a value into a unit, whereas `to_` will scale the value by a conversion
# factor and unwrap it:
puts typeof(a_length.to_feet) # => Float64
puts a_length.to_feet # => 3
puts a_length.to_inches # => 36
# Common unit aliases are also supported:
puts a_length.to_ft # => 3
puts a_length.to_in # => 36
# More complex units can be constructed algebraically:
an_area = Units.build { 3 * meter ** 2 }
puts an_area # => 3.0 m²
# Casting can also be done with arbitrarily complex units:
puts an_area.to { foot ** 2 } # => 32.29173125012917
Automatic Unit Checking
As mentioned in the introduction, units
always ensures that your physical calculations are dimensionally sound. In most cases, this can happen at compile time:
Units.build { foot * minute }.to_years
# => Error: Refusing to compile because `m s` and `s` are not compatible units
Compile time unit checking has two benefits:
- Your code won't unexpectedly crash due to unit incompatibility
- Units have no performance effect during runtime
Compile time unit checking is guaranteed as long as you stick to only using the following methods on your CompileTimeUnit
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- construction
- casting
This covers most use cases, but exponentiation is left off of this list. The reason why is that, in a ** b
, the function a#**(other)
recieves b
as a runtime parameter. This is also true of multiplication by a scalar, but scalar multiplication does not modify units, whereas exponentiation does.
Of course, exponentiation still works just fine - but by default it will decay to runtime units:
a = Units.from_feet(2) # => CompileTimeUnit(Float64, ...)
a_sq = a ** 2 # => RuntimeUnit(Float64)
a + a_sq # => Units::UnitError will be raised at runtime :(
This can be worked around using a const generic wrapper:
a = Units.from_feet(2) # => CompileTimeUnit(Float64, ...)
a_sq = a ** Units::Fix(2) # => CompileTimeUnit(Float64, ...)
a + a_sq # => Error: Refusing to compile because `m` and `m²` are not compatible units
Or, in specific (but very common) cases, by using named methods:
# All of these are compile-time checked
# (floats are truncated for readability)
a = Units.from_feet(2) # => 0.6096 m
a_sq = a.sq # => 0.3716 m²
a_sqrt = a.sqrt # => 0.7807 m⁰⋅⁵⁰
a_cb = a.cb # => 0.2265 m³
a_cbrt = a.cbrt # => 0.8479 m⁰⋅³³
a_inv_sq = a.inverse.sq # => 2.6909 m⁻²
a_two_thirds = a.sq.cbrt # => 0.7189 m⁰⋅⁶⁷
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: units: github: shinzlet/units
shards install
TODO: Write development instructions here
- Fork it (https://github.com/shinzlet/units/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Seth Hinz - creator and maintainer
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- over 2 years ago
- October 14, 2022
MIT License
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 03:22:34 GMT