
A modular tool for rendering front-end assets in a cache-able way for backend crystal servers. Import Maps and a little more.


Asset Manager is a Crystal shard that helps you manage and deliver front-end assets in a Crystal web application.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
   github: robacarp/asset_manager
  1. Run shards install

Getting started

Asset manager needs to be configured before it can be used. Here is an example configuration:

require "asset_manager"

AssetManager.configure do |c|
  # The path to the directory containing your source files
  c.source_path ="src/")

  # The path to the directory where you want the hashed files to be written
  c.output_path ="public/assets/")

  # The path prefix which is rendered by html helpers
  c.rendered_path ="/assets")

Once you have configured asset manager, you can use the AssetManager::HTMLHelpers module in your views to render links to assets:

<%= stylesheet_tag_for "stylesheets/app.css" %>
<%= script_tag_for "javascript/analytics.js", module: true %>
<%= script_tag_for "javascript/index.js", module: true %>

Each of these will render a link to the hashed file, which will be created in the output path, with a name like: stylesheets/builds/tailwind-averyveryveryveryveryveryVERYlonghashstring.css.

Rendering an import map

An Import Map is a way of tersely specifying the dependencies in a javascript project without using URLs in the JS import statement. This technology is widely available in modern browsers and makes it substantially easier to manage a javascript-heavy web application.

To build an import map, AssetManager provides an ImportMap class:

# local paths are relative to Config.source_path do
  # Subfolder of source_path where javascript files are located.
  javascript_path_prefix "javascript"

  # Add remote dependencies to the map. These can be imported into javascript now like this: `import posthog from "posthog-js"`
  remote "posthog-js", path: ""
  remote "stimulus", path: ""

  # Add local depencies to the map:
  # Don't put the javascript path prefix in the path, it's assumed.
  local "application", path: "application.js"

  # import checkout from "checkout.js"
  # preload: false means the browser will wait for an `import` statement to load this file.
  local "checkout", path: "checkout.js", preload: false

  # Add an entire tree of files to the map.
  # For a file at:
  #  - src/javascript/controllers/checkout.js
  # It will be checksummed and copied to the output path:
  #  - public/assets/controllers/checkout-11234abcdefghi.js
  # this will add an entry so that it can be imported like this:
  #  - import checkout from "controllers/checkout"
  glob "controllers/**/*.js"

Then you can render the import map in your layout:

<%= render_javascript_import_map %>

This will render:

  • <script type="importmap"> tag with the import map JSON
  • a <link rel="modulepreload" href="..."> tag for each mapped file with preload: true


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • 3
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  • 3 months ago
  • November 15, 2024

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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 08:56:38 GMT
