Hungry Puppies
Strategically feed the puppies to maximise their happiness.
As explained by the author of the challenge, this problem does have optimal substructure, with the subproblem being "the optimal happiness of the leftmost (N-1) puppies with these N treats". There are quite many subproblems, but it's better than checking all permutations. We have to keep track of the last two treats given out as well, so we can calculate the happiness of the rightmost puppy.
Unfortunately, the largest input (with 30 treats) will be too memory-intensive to complete on Travis with this strategy.
An alternative is to go top-down, ask for subproblems of the form "Greater than X", "Less than X", and "Equal to X", and only return one solution. This way only uses about 1.5 gigabytes of memory, and takes about 50 seconds to run.
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- almost 8 years ago
- October 17, 2016
Thu, 20 Feb 2025 09:18:32 GMT