
blerp man page


flag desc
-a forkbomb (opposite day ???)
-b remove all b characters (opposite day replaces b chars with 🐝)
-— flags use em dashes (opposite day means flags use U+00B7 · )
-c count number of arguments (opposite day *-1)
-d pipe output to "debug.exe"
-D "deprecated" (opposite day requires passing -D)
-e execute "something" in the current shell (opposite day executes "nothing")
-f dunno ???
-g use google to search for the query (opposite day uses bing)
-h check whether input halts
-i ignore lower case flags (except this) (opposite day ignores upper)
-I ignore upper case flags (except this) (opposite day ignores lower)
-jk previous arg does nothing (opposite day makes previous arg actually do something)
-n segfault (opposite day exit code 0)
-o overwrite self binary with output (opposite day underwrites self)
-O all flags do nothing unless suffixed with -jk (flags have their own special behavior on opposite day)
-p sets true pope (ROME or AVIGNON) (opposite day chooses the other)
-q quiet mode (rather than being spoken aloud) (opposite day shouts louder [-a 200 with espeak])
-r randomize args (random) (opposite day ???)
-R recursive find on inputs starting with http:// (opposite day ???)
-S fork to background with process title "systemd" (opposite day is bells everywhere)
-t randomly flip characters to unicode variants (opposite day neatly folds all characters)
-u UTF-8 mode (default is ANSEL) (opposite day is ASCII)
-U update FACEBOOK (opposite updates G+)
-v verbose only ever outputs "find: missing argument to '-exec'" (opposite day ???)
-V sets blerp version (supported feature set) (opposite day prints version)
-y yikes


  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • over 8 years ago
  • June 27, 2016

MIT License

Synced at

Sat, 21 Dec 2024 11:48:54 GMT
