
Autoredeploy images on Docker Hub webhook pushes in Rancher

Rancher Autoredeploy


Deprecated in favour of Docker Hub Webhooks in Rancher 1.6

This Crystal program brings Docker Cloud's autoredeploy feature to Rancher. It listens for requests from Docker Hub in a specified port, and upgrades all services that depend on the container.

How it works

Rancher autoredeploy listens for HTTP requests from Docker Hub Webhooks on a configurable address and port, secured using a random secret. Whenever there is a notification of a new image being pushed, it scans all services in the Rancher environment and fires an upgrade for all of those that match the published image and tag.

This behaviour can be fine-tuned by setting RANCHER_AUTOREDEPLOY_DEFAULT to false, in which case only the services with the label tech.manas.service.autoredeploy set to true will be upgraded.


The easiest way to run Rancher Autoredeploy on your Rancher server is through its docker image. Run a new stack using the manastech/rancher-autoredeploy image, and configure it with the required credentials.

  image: manastech/rancher-autoredeploy:latest
    BIND_PORT: 8090
    RANCHER_HOST: your.rancher.server
    RANCHER_PROJECT_ID: yourprojectid
    RANCHER_API_KEY: yourapikey
    RANCHER_API_SECRET: yourapisecret
    DOCKER_HUB_KEY: randomsecret
    - "8090:8090"

This will start an instance of the redeployer image, listening on port 8090 for requests from docker hub including the randomsecret key, and updating the services in project yourprojectid at your.rancher.server. Note that the bind port and address can be configured to the values that best match your setup.

The next step is to add a webhook to your docker hub repositories, so they will notify the redeployer container when there is a new version of an image. On the webhooks tab of your project, simply add an entry to http://your.rancher.node:8090/autoredeploy?key=randomsecret.

Important: remember to set io.rancher.container.pull_image label on your service to always, to ensure that the new image is actually pulled when upgrading. Future versions of this project may set this label automatically.


Accepts the following environment variables for configuration:

  • BIND_ADDRESS, "", address to bind for listening Docker Hub webhooks
  • BIND_PORT, 8080, port to bind for listening Docker Hub webhooks
  • RANCHER_HOST, host to your rancher server
  • RANCHER_PROJECT_ID, ID (not name) of the environment to manage
  • RANCHER_API_KEY, API key for the environment
  • RANCHER_API_SECRET, API secret for the environment
  • RANCHER_AUTOREDEPLOY_DEFAULT, "true", whether services with the updated image will be upgraded by default
  • RANCHER_AUTOREDEPLOY_LABEL_NAME, "tech.manas.service.autoredeploy", Rancher service label to set to either true or false to signal whther this service should be upgraded
  • DOCKER_HUB_KEY, secret key that the Docker Hub webhook should provide as a query parameter named key, for security purposes


You know the drill ;-)


  • spalladino Santiago Palladino - creator, maintainer


  • 15
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • over 7 years ago
  • October 21, 2016

MIT License

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