Screencapload is a macOS command line tool that allows you to take a screenshot, reduce its file weight while mian
Right now, you have to build the app to use it. You also can benefit from GraphicsMagick to automatically trim the image, optipng to reduce the screenshot's weight, and pngquant to reduce the image to 256 colors so it is much faster to download, display, etc.
To compile, run :
brew install crystal-lang
crystal build --release src/
To install optionnal depencies run :
brew install graphicsmagick optipng pngquant
You need an imgur API key, either stored in ~/.imgur or passed as a command line argument like so :
screencapload 123456789
This is a basic conversion of the original screencapload Ruby script into Crystal.
It is not meant to better or faster, because running the ruby version already take about a few dozen milliseconds and this version won't offer anything more.
If you want to play wisth the code and run the app quickly, use :
brew install crystal-lang
crystal run src/
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- czj Clément Joubert - creator, maintainer
- 1
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- over 4 years ago
- April 8, 2017
MIT License
Tue, 04 Feb 2025 04:53:38 GMT