concur v1.0.2

A collection of concurrency utilities for Crystal, leveraging Fibers and channels.

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Concur is organised around two APIs:

  • A Future API to deal with asynchronous computations
  • An augmented Channel API with primitives to simplify event-driven programming.


Add the dependency to your shard.yml and run shards install:

    github: lbarasti/concur


require "concur"

Using Future

You can use Future to wrap asynchronous computations that might fail.

f = {
  sleep 2 # a placeholder for some expensive computation or for a lengthy IO operation

f.await # => "Success!"

If you want to keep on manipulating the result of a future in a separate fiber, then you can rely on Future's instance methods.

For example, given a future f, you can apply a function to the wrapped value with #map, filter it with #select and recover from failure with #recover { |v| v.downcase }
  .select { |v| v.size < 3 }
  .recover { "default_key" }

Here is a contrived example to showcase some other common methods.

You can combine the result of two Futures into one with #zip:

author_f : Future(User) = db.user_by_id(1)
reviewer_f : Future(User) = db.user_by_id(2)

permission_f : Future(Bool) = { |author, reviewer|

You can use #flat_map to avoid nesting futures:

content_f : Future(Content) = permission_f
  .flat_map { |reviewer_is_allowed|
    if reviewer_is_allowed
      db.content_by_user(1) # => Future(Content)

And perform side effects with #on_success and #on_error.

  .on_success { |content|
  .on_error { |ex| log_error(ex) }

Using Channel

Concur tries to increase the usability of Channel by adding a collection of transformation and callback methods to its API.

Sources: the beginning and the end

A Concur flow usually starts with a source.

s1 = Concur.source(1..10) # returns a Channel(Int32) receiving each value of the range

s2 = Concur.source(initial_state: 0) { |state| (state + 1)**2 } # returns a Channel(Int32) receiving the values (i + 1)^2 for i = 0,1,...

s3 = Concur.every(1.second) { Time.utc } # returns a Channel(Time) receiving a timestamp approximately every second

Sources can also be built by simply defining a channel and having some fiber send values to it. For example, suppose you want your application to react to some keyboard event that lets you register a callback:

s4 = Channel(KeyboardEvent).new
keybord.on_keypress { |event| s4.send event }

Now that we have some sources, we can leverage Concur's API to materialise them or define some callbacks that will run every time the channel receives a value.

s1.listen { |v| puts v } # prints values from 1 to 10

s2.take(3) # => [1, 4, 25]

s3.each { |time|
  puts "you're living in the past" if time.year < 2022

Sources: the middle

We've seen how we can create a source and how we can consume it. Let's now look at how we can transform it.

Here is an example where we merge two event streams, batch them, process them into a new state and then persist that.

keypress = Channel(KeyboardEvent).new
mouse_click = Channel(MouseEvent).new

# persist the state of the system every 5 events or every second,
# whichever happens first
  .batch(size: 5, interval: 1.seconds)
  .scan({"", {0,0}}) { |state, events|
    events.reduce(state) { |s, e|
      case e
      in MouseEvent
        {s[0], e.pos}
      in KeyboardEvent
        {s[0] + e.key, s[1]}
  }.each { |state| persist(state) }

Concur also lets you spin off concurrent computations very easily. Here is an example where we let 4 workers compute the distance of a 2D point from the origin of a Cartesian plane. We then produce an estimate of the constant Pi and look at how many iterations it took the process to generate 10 consecutive estimates with a relative error of less than 1e-5.

source( { |gen| {gen, {gen.rand, gen.rand}} }
  .map(workers: 4) { |(x,y)| x**2 + y**2 }
  .scan({0, 0}) { |acc, v|
    v <= 1 ? {acc[0] + 1, acc[1]} : {acc[0], acc[1] + 1}
  }.map { |(inner, outer)| 4 * inner / (inner + outer)}
  .zip(source(1..)) { |estimate, iteration| {iteration, estimate} }
  .batch(10, 1.second)
  .select { |estimates|
    estimates.all? { |(i, e)|
      (e - Math::PI).abs / Math::PI < 1e-5
  }.flat_map { |estimates| }
  .take 1 # => [235191]

Check out the API docs and the /examples folder for more details.


Run shards install to install the project dependencies. You can then run crystal spec to verify that all the tests are passing.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 17
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
  • about 3 years ago
  • October 26, 2019

MIT License

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Thu, 20 Feb 2025 06:47:10 GMT
