
A blog written in Crystal about making a blog in Crystal. By Jake, Arleigh and Brad.


TODO: add description



$ git clone
$ cd jarleigh
$ make install
$ make run


Using Guard for development auto-reload. Just running the guard command will watch your app for changes. After you save your changes to one of the files, kemal will auto-reload for you. This includes the main app.cr, views, stylesheets and javascripts.

$ guard

You can also load a development console with your app pre-loaded by running make console.


Add your main stylesheet file in to src/assets/styles. This file should end in .sass or .scss like src/assets/styles/application.scss. If you would like to break your styles in to multiple files (i.e. mixins, variables, header, etc...) just throw those files in to the same directory and name them _whatever_you_want.scss. Notice the _ at the beginning. This is so sass doesn't compile separate files for each one. Then just be sure to @import "whatever_you_want"; so it gets added in when compiled.

Using make run will first compile your styles, and then generate your public/stylesheets/application.css file. You can also compile at any time with make assets.


Add your main javascript file in to src/assets/scripts. This file should end in .es6 like src/assets/scripts/application.es6. You can write full ES6 compatible javascript in these, and they will be compiled to cross-browser compatible scripts using Babel when your app is booted, or the make assets task is ran. When they are compiled, the source is placed in public/javascripts/application.js or whatever you named the script dot js.


Now that you have a handle on developing your Kemal app, you will want to deploy it! There's a lot of different methods to deploying an app in to production, and fez takes the Capistrano appraoch.

  1. Edit your config/deploy.rb file with the necessary changes.
  2. Edit your config/deploy/production.rb file with more necessary changes
  3. Run cap production deploy.
  4. Pray it all works!


  • 1
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  • 7
  • almost 8 years ago
  • March 22, 2017

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Thu, 20 Feb 2025 12:40:34 GMT
