
NCD Twilio simulator

This project is an IVR stress test tool for Surveda (related issue: instedd/surveda#1793).

The main difference between this project and its ancestor is that instead of a background service to simulate SMS answers, it will take the shape of a Web API to Simulate phone call answers.

It mocks the following Twilio endpoints used by Verboice:

  1. Fetch an IncomingPhoneNumber resource
  2. Initiate an outbound call with Twilio

Usage (dev path)

For a local development, we assume that dockerdev is installed and running.

  1. Run twiliosim:

    docker compose up web
  2. Your local endpoint is

  3. When running against Verboice in staging or somewhere on the Internet, you'll have to expose your local to the Internet. You can use ngrok to do that:

    docker compose -d up ngrok

    Your public endpoint is listed on

    Alternatively, when running a Verboice instance on your local, you'll have to configure Verboice. Open the broker/verboice.config file and change the twilio_callback_url to

    {twilio_callback_url, ""},
  4. Follow the end-user usage path (starting at point 6) to set up your channel in Verboice.

Usage (end-user path)

  1. Pick a port number (in this example: 8081)

  2. Run:

    docker run --rm -t -i -p 8081:80 instedd/twiliosim
  3. Your endpoint is: http://localhost:8081/

  4. Expose your endpoint publicly using ngrok or similar if needed.

    ngrok http 8081
  5. Your public endpoint is listed

  6. Copy your https URL:

    ngrok URL

  7. Go to your Verboice instance and create a new Twilio Channel using your public (or local) endpoint as your channel base URL:

    channel base URL


This App was born inspired by the NCD local gateway simulator, a SMS stress test tool for Surveda. So its expected behaviour is similar to this one.

Every Surveda text-to-speech (TTS) question is translated by Verboice to a TTS message. For each message received from Verboice, the following rules apply:

Input Reply
#hangup hang up
#oneof:N,M,O one of the the following numbers: N, M or O
#numeric:N-M a number between N and M (including them)

If none of these rules apply, the message is ignored.

For creating questionnaire steps these rules should be in the IVR message, make sure the responses are configured accordingly.

The following environment variables controls other aspects of the behavior:

Variable Default Description
NO_REPLY_PERCENT 0.0 Percent of respondents that don't reply (doesn't reply to the call, or sends digits=timeout on gather when timeout is reached)
DELAY_REPLY_MIN_SECONDS 1 Minimum delay in seconds to reply
DELAY_REPLY_MAX_SECONDS 5 Maximum delay in seconds to reply
INCORRECT_REPLY_PERCENT 0.0 Percent of respondents that reply an incorrect answer
MAX_INCORRECT_REPLY_VALUE 99 Maximum value replied as an incorrect answer
STICKY_RESPONDENTS true If true, once a respondent replies, it will always reply during the same call
DELAY_HANG_UP_SECONDS 5 Delay in seconds to hang up (applying to the #hangup rule)


  • 0
  • 0
  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • over 1 year ago
  • October 26, 2020

MIT License

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Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:53:35 GMT
