permafrost v0.4.0

Permafrost implements a (relatively) fast unordered persistent map, set, bidirectional map for Crystal


Permafrost implements a (relatively) fast unordered persistent map. Plus a set and a bidirectional map based on the map.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: homonoidian/permafrost
  2. Run shards install


I implemented most useful stuff (?) from Hash and Set. BidiMap is mostly for myself so you may forget it exists :) All in all refer to the docs.

require "permafrost"

map = Pf::Map[foo: 100, bar: 200]
map["foo"]? # => 100
map["bar"]? # => 200

map.assoc("baz", 300) # => Pf::Map{"foo" => 100, "bar" => 200, "baz" => 300}
map                   # => Pf::Map{"foo" => 100, "bar" => 200}

map.dissoc("foo") # => Pf::Map{"bar" => 200}
map               # => Pf::Map{"foo" => 100, "bar" => 200}


You can run the benchmark file,, for a (very dumb and useless) benchmark of the map vs. what we consider the speed-of-light implementation, Hash, and what seems to be our only competitor, Immutable::Map from the wonderful shard Immutable. The latter you'd have to install somehow, maybe by cloning this repo and modifying shard.yml directly.

Note that each benchmark run you'd get (somewhat) different results depending on how good the hash seed was, which is picked by Crystal randomly. I haven't found a way to reliably disable that. If you know how let me know, maybe make a PR or something.

                   add speed of light 228.59  (  4.37ms) (±14.11%)  4.75MB/op    26.60× slower
          add + delete speed of light 152.26  (  6.57ms) (±12.12%)  4.75MB/op    39.93× slower
                  each speed of light   6.08k (164.48µs) (± 0.18%)    0.0B/op          fastest
                          pf::map add   8.54  (117.13ms) (± 8.92%)    98MB/op   712.10× slower
                 pf::map add + delete   4.33  (231.07ms) (± 3.70%)   189MB/op  1404.84× slower
                       pf::map add tx  57.24  ( 17.47ms) (±18.02%)  7.78MB/op   106.22× slower
              pf::map add + delete tx  38.76  ( 25.80ms) (±20.76%)  7.78MB/op   156.84× slower
                         pf::map each 280.95  (  3.56ms) (± 0.70%)    0.0B/op    21.64× slower
                   immutable::map add   3.52  (284.13ms) (±10.84%)   219MB/op  1727.44× slower
          immutable::map add + delete   1.74  (574.02ms) (± 2.66%)   373MB/op  3489.90× slower
         immutable::map add transient   6.26  (159.64ms) (±11.90%)   101MB/op   970.58× slower
immutable::map add + delete transient   3.33  (300.57ms) (± 1.33%)   134MB/op  1827.38× slower
                  immutable::map each   6.40  (156.36ms) (± 2.67%)  87.4MB/op   950.61× slower

The ± numbers being so big smells weird, but the results clearly show the winner!

Again, I picked this run among others because it is the fastest. With a different hash seed, you'll get different results, faster or slower than those presented here.


The implementation is pretty simple, it's found in src/permafrost/core/ If you find any errors please let me know or (even better!) fix them yourself and submit a PR. Same with new features. New methods for Pf::Map, Pf::Set and Pf::BidiMap are especially welcome.

See also

I've no clue whether what I've written truly is a HAMT or not, as long as it works I'm fine. For reference, here are some HAMTs that consider themselves HAMTs:


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




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  • about 1 month ago
  • November 6, 2023

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