calm 0.1.0
Calm is an easy to use web framework written in crystal.
installing crystal
see installing crystal for details.
creating a new project
$ crystal init app blog
create /blog/.gitignore
create /blog/.editorconfig
create /blog/LICENSE
create /blog/
create /blog/shard.yml
create /blog/src/
create /blog/spec/
create /blog/spec/
Initialized empty Git repository in /blog/.git/
change directory cd blog
edit shard.yml
and add calm
to it as a dependency:
path: "???????????????"
version: 0.1.0
then run shards install
to download dependencies.
Initialize your application with crystal run lib/calm/src/
Run migrations with crystal run src/ -- db migrate
configuring the application
The config file is located at src/config/
name of the project as String. It is used where we need to use the project name as a String.
it is an integer, and the token expires after n minutes where n is the value of this.
needed to encript the token, don't share this secret with anyone. It's a String.
how to connect to the database. Currently only postgresql is supported. The format is: "postgres://username:password@hostname:port/databasename_environment
use more detailed debugging or not. A boolean.
the default locale of the application. A two-letters String.
where the server listens on. Hostname or IP address as a String.
how many rows are visible at the same time while using the table component. An integer.
the logging level. ::Log::Severity::Trace, ::Log::Severity::Debug, ::Log::Severity::Info, ::Log::Severity::Notice, ::Log::Severity::Warn, ::Log::Severity::Error, ::Log::Severity::Fatal
. It is an object.
an integer, the port where the server listens on.
it is an integer, and the token expires after n minutes where n is the value of this.
needed to encript the token, don't share this secret with anyone. It's a String.
The time zone as an object. Time::Location.load("UTC")
"The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>
, <iframe>
, <embed>
or <object>
. Sites can use this to avoid click-jacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites." By default it is DENY
running the application
Inside your project folder run crystal run src/
generators can be used from the project folder as crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- [type] [name] [action]
With generators a files are generated to start to work from.
controller type
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- controller post show
this creates a handler at src/handlers/
with the content:
class PostController < Calm::Controller::ApplicationController
def show(render)
args = {} of String => Any
render.with args
You can use index
, show
, add
, create
, edit
, update
, destroy
as the action name.
Without the action it generates a controller file without any actions.
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- controller post
class PostController < Calm::Controller::ApplicationController
view type
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- view post show
this creates a view at src/views/post/
with the content:
class PostControllerView < Calm::Http::BaseView
def show(context, vars)
context.ui do
h1 { t(".title") }
div(id: "test") do
"It works!"
a(href: "#", "hx-get": Calm::Routes.post_controller__show, "hx-target": "#test", "hx-push-url": "true") do
"Test link"
You can use index
, show
, add
, create
, edit
, update
, destroy
as the action name.
index action
Without the action it generates a controller file without any actions.
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- controller post
class PostController < Calm::Controller::ApplicationController
policy type
and creates a policy at src/views/post/
with the content:
class PostControllerPolicy < Calm::Handler::ApplicationControllerPolicy
def show?
and adds this to /src/config/
: get "/post",,
Not a big deal, but it's easier to customize this as to create the file from scratch.
model type
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- model post
class Post < Calm::Db::Base
mapping({id: Int32, name: String})
# default_values({invalid_sign_in_count: 0})
migration type
crystal run lib/calm/src/ -- migration create_table_posts
This generates the file src/migrations/
with the following content:
class M20240126191339680CreateTablePosts < Calm::Db::Migration
def up
# create_table Post
def down
pp "down"
To apply migrations from files in the migrations directory run crystal src/ db migrate
. And everything from the migration files will be applied into the database.
database model methods
models are located at src/models
- getting every object as anArray(Post)
- TODO: pagination???
- yyy
- zzz
view methods
Create a class for example:
class NavigationsView < Calm::BasicView
def render
@context.ui do
div(class: "container-fluid") do
a(class: "nav-link active", "aria-current": "page", href: "/home") { "Home" }
And use it in your view code anywhere:
render NavigationsView
brew install chromedriver
- install Chrome
crystal spec/
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 8
- 11 months ago
- March 1, 2024
MIT License
Thu, 20 Feb 2025 05:57:32 GMT