spintax_parser v0.1.0

Crystal Shard that provides a mixin to parse "spintax", a text format used for automated article generation. Can handle nested spintax, and can count the total number of unique variations.


A mixin to parse "spintax", a text format used for automated article generation. Can handle nested spintax, and can count the total number of unique variations.

Based on Ruby version, GitHub (So, is this README. :^) )

Docs GitHub release


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
    github: blazerw/spintax_parser
  1. Run shards install


require "spintax_parser"

class String
  include SpintaxParser

Then you can safely call #unspin on any string in your application:

spintext = "{Hello|Hi} {{world|worlds}|planet}{!|.|?}"
10.times do
  puts spintext.unspin

Run the code above, and you will end up with several random variations of the same text, such as:

Hi worlds.
Hi planet?
Hello world?
Hi planet?
Hi world?
Hi world!
Hi world.
Hello world.
Hello world!
Hello worlds.

And don't worry: calling #unspin on a string with no spintax will safely return an unaffected copy of the string.

Also, note that the #unspin method doesn't really care if the class you mix it into is a descendant of String or not, as long as its #to_s method returns a string written in spintax.

Consistent unspinning

Got a special project that requires unspinning the same spintax the same way in certain circumstances? No problem. If you're using a Ruby version >= 1.9.3, you can pass a pre-seeded random number generator to the #unspin method just like you would to the Array#sample method. Et voila! Consistent unspinning!

seed = Random::PCG32.new.new_seed
spintext.unspin Random.new(seed)  # => "Hello world!"
spintext.unspin Random.new(seed)  # => "Hello world!"

Counting total variations

You can also count the total number of unique variations of a spintax string. If you've mixed the SpintaxParser into your String class like above, just call the #count_spintax_variations method on any string as shown below:

spintext = "{Hello|Hi} {{world|worlds}|planet}{!|.|?}"
spintext.count_spintax_variations  # => 18

NOTE: The following currently fails:

expect("{one|two|}".count_spintax_variations).to eq 3


Follow Crystal's guidelines: https://crystal-lang.org/reference/guides/writing_shards.html and realize that Spec2 is used for testing, specifically this fork


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/blazerw/spintax_parser/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 4
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 2
  • almost 6 years ago
  • April 12, 2019

MIT License

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