
Template repository for scaffolding new Athena components


Template repo for creating a new Athena component. Scaffolds the Crystal shard's structure as well as define CI etc.

NOTE: This repo assumes the component will be in the athena-framework org. If it is to be used outside of the org, be sure to update URLs accordingly.

  1. Find/replace COMPONENT_NAME with the name of the component. This is used as the shard's name. E.x. logger. 1.1 Be sure to rename the file in ./src as well.

  2. Replace NAMESPACE_NAME with the name of the component's namespace. Documentation for this component will be grouped under this. E.x. Logger.

  3. Find/replace CREATOR_NAME with your Github display name. E.x. George Dietrich.

  4. Find/replace CREATOR_USERNAME with your Github username. E.x. blacksmoke16.

  5. Find/replace CREATOR_EMAIL with your desired email

    5.1 Can remove this if you don't wish to expose an email.

  6. Find/replace ALIAS_NAME with the three letter alias for this component; A + 2 letter shortcut to NAMESPACE_NAME. E.x. ALG.

  7. Find/replace DESCRIPTION with a short description of what the component does.

  8. Add some initial documentation to docs/

Delete from here up


Common Changelog CI Latest release


Getting Started

Checkout the Documentation.


Read the general Contributing Guide for information on how to get started.



  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • about 1 month ago
  • January 13, 2020

MIT License

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Fri, 21 Feb 2025 04:26:50 GMT
