
[ Crystal] A IO pipe which uses channel


A IO pipe which uses channel


      github: anykeyh/channeled_pipe

Then where useful

  require "channeled_pipe"

Channeled Pipe

This works like IO pipe except it will stop writing if allocated buffer is already full and not yet read.

This is useful to ensure a low consumption of memory while dealing with larger files.

It's also a useful tool to deal with API which doesn't offer low-level access to the IO, but reference one IO as argument.

Usage example:

Imaging you have a pipeline of transformation from file a to file b:

  • transform_1(i, o)
  • transform_2(i, o)
  • transform_3(i, o)

If you want to in -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> o, you need to use pipes, and stdlib offers IO.pipe. IO.pipe has however few drawbacks: 1/ It lacks any tools to deal with EOF. Your pipe is open and your transforms has no clue about when the stream will end unless programmed correctly 2/ You may want to apply your transformations in fiber for improvement in performance (it's true for slow IO like sockets). However you face a chance to overload your memory if dealing with big IO. In case your read a file and write to socket, your pipe will bloat as reader is way faster than writter. 3/ It uses unix file descriptors. I don't see how it will be usable in a future Windows release of crystal

Channeled Pipe offer to deal with the points above at very low price (see below).

Real world usages:

  • Uploading of large file using multipart/format-data format, without dealing with low level HTTP::Client API
  • Cluster of applications, with get and transform large datasets, and communicate their data through sockets.

Basic example

r, w = # Create a pipe

spawn do
 4.times do |x|
   puts "-> #{x}"
   w.flush # Flushing is done in this example to prevent buffering

 w.close # <- won't close before the pipe content has been consumed.

while (!r.closed?)
 puts "<- #{r.gets}"


-> 1
<- 1
-> 2
<- 2
-> 3
<- 3
-> 4
<- 4

Above, the output is sync and the pipe write operation are stopped until the read operations are done.

Real life example

Uploading a file:

  • We want to use fiber to increase performance dealing with socket and file IO.
  • We don't have access to the underlying Socket IO object; the API offers however to pass an input IO for the body of our request.
  • We want to prevent loading all the content of the uploaded file in memory
r, w =

spawn do
 w.write("Content-Type: application/binary\n\n".to_slice)
 IO.copy(f, w)
end "", headers: {
  "Content-Type" => "multipart/form-data",
  "Content-Length" => compute_content_length
}, body: r)


  • Managed memory consumption (default: around 8Kb per pipe)
  • Compared to pipe, no file descriptors / no system call (using Channel instead)


  • Memory copy on write: Chunk of datastream are copied temporarly in memory while transfer. Can be performance costly in some case
  • Do not work with forking, in contrast with basic IO.pipe.

Advanced usage & notes

  • IO::ChanneledPipe uses IO::Buffered, so ChanneledPipe wait until the internal buffer is full before sending through the pipe the data. This can be prevented by using flush. write will queued until the pipe is emptied first by read. It's possible to increase the number of chunks before queuing by using parameter at construction:

      r,w = 32 #32 chunks of 8kb before queuing the write operation
  • close won't close straight the pipe but will let the reader to consume the chunks of data in the stream before closing the pipe. Therefore, close is only allowed on write side of the pipe. Method can then react by EOF exception on the read call (e.g. with read_lines)

  • A method closing? is set to true if close has been called but there's still data in the pipe. Write will then be prevented, while read is still possible.

  • Finally, you can force closing ASAP using close_channel method. This will throw exception on current writer/reader of the pipe, and further write/read will be prevented



  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • over 6 years ago
  • July 28, 2018

MIT License

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Wed, 22 Jan 2025 05:35:44 GMT
