
Simple CLI organizer


Simple fast CLI organizer.


First make or shards build pim. Next you need to copy binary file into one of directories in PATH variable.

You can use make install or sudo cp -vn bin/pim /usr/bin.

Note: I'm not Mac user so this can be not Mac (or Unix) compatible because of user home path.


Main types - entities

Event is a time range when something occurs. It's described by time and the time defines when Event occurs.

Todo is a task which must be completed. It can be described by time. Todo can have (but not need to have) deadline - time_to and can be started after time point - time_to.

Event and Todo is an Entity.

Command parameters styles

Destructive actions

Most destructive commands are uppercase. For example if you want to search an Event you use pim -e, but if you want to add you should use uppercase E like pim -E.


There is predefined list of possible parameters. They can be used to filter, create, update and delete depends on command.

Theese parameters are:

  • -n or --name - name/title
  • -i or --id - unique identifier of an Entity
  • -a or --from - start time
  • -z or --to - end time
  • -d or --day - only for filtering for particular day
  • -p or --place - place
  • -c or --category - category, just one String like work, private
  • -g or --tags - tags, Array(String) but you should type them in one String separated with coma ,
  • -c or --desc - longer description of Entity, totally optional
  • -u or --user - other people Entities
  • -b or --url - external http link for Entity

What is an User

Imagine you have friend you often travel with. You can add his blocking events here. You can later get his all events and know when he is available.

Filter params

Parameters described above behaves differently when used in create and filter.

  • -n or --name - substring, ignore case
  • -i or --id - substring, ignore case
  • -a or --from - filter within range
  • -z or --to - filter within range
  • -d or --day - filter overlapping day
  • -p or --place - substring, ignore case
  • -c or --category - exact, case
  • -g or --tags - exact, case
  • -c or --desc - substring, ignore case
  • -b or --url - substring, ignore case
  • -u or --user - described below

User filter

  • -u "" - default filter only own Entity
  • -u "rest" - filter only other (not blank) users
  • -u "all" - show all: self and other
  • -u "joe" - show only joe entities

Create params

To create Entity you need to specify enough required parameters. Todo require only name but Event require name, time_from and time_to.

Example: pim -T "Clean room"

You can specify more information (except the id which is generated automatically).

Example: pim -T "Clean room" -c "apartment"


By adding --monthly or --yearly you can create repeated entities. This is a new feature and interface is not fully ready yet.

Add Event

pim -E "Doctor appointment" -a "2017-02-05 12:00" -z "1 hour" -g "doctor" -c "appointment"


Doctor appointment
2017-02-05 12:00 -> 2017-02-05 13:00
category: appointment
tags: doctor
Id: 20170124131927368

Everything is stored at ~/.ocranizer.yml

HTML output

Just add -H and it will generate HTML calendar and open it in default browser. Calendar file is located at ~/.ocranizer.yml.html.


pim -h will tell you about all possible parameters.

Human time form

Please check here for more details.

You can use absolute values like:

  • 2017-10-10 for full day,
  • 10-10 for full day with current or next year (no past time)
  • 2017-10-10 12:40 for exact,
  • 13:40 for current day

or relative values like:

  • 1 week - 1 week from now or event's time from
  • prev 1 hour - 1 hour before


  • Not allow create entity when time_from > time_to
  • time_to if typed as hours uses date from time_from
  • Interpret fullday as 0:00 - 23:59
  • Show entity id at details
  • Test command parser
  • Delete action
  • Postpone - update but easier
  • Add search macros, ex: work_today show all with work category and proper time ranges, incoming with entities till 2 days
  • Add create macros
  • Update id to make it always unique for Event and Todo
  • Add events, todos using command line interface
  • Inteligent time parser: full, partial, words like tommorow, +1 day, +1 week
  • List of upcoming events
  • Edit existing events
  • Integrare output with remind
  • Render HTML output
  • Saving with backup
  • Add limit filter
  • Add priority: low, regular, urgent, important
  • When adding full day event assume time_to is end of day of time_from if missing
  • Repeated entities
  • Auto send calendars HTML via email


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/akwiatkowski/ocranizer/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 7
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • almost 8 years ago
  • January 17, 2017

MIT License

Synced at

Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:23:46 GMT
