issue-linker v0.7.0

A CLI tool to link between SAST issues and BrightSec issues


This is a tool to link issues between SAST vendors and BrightSec DAST. It also allows to run validation scan based on the SAST scan results.


From Source

  1. Install Crystal
  2. git clone this repo
  3. cd into the repo
  4. shards build

From Releases

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page
  2. Look for the binary for your OS and architecture
  3. Download it to your working directory
  4. execute with ./issue-linker. You may need to chmod +x the binary first.

From Docker

Docker Build Option

  1. git clone this repo
  2. cd into the repo
  3. docker build -t issue-linker .
  4. docker run -it issue-linker --help

Docker Pull Option

  1. docker pull neuralegion/issue-linker
  2. docker run -it neuralegion/issue-linker --help


issue-linker --help to see the help menu

The tool has different options based on the relevant vendor, for Snyk you can use the following options:

issue-linker Snyk --help

This will show the help menu for the Snyk vendor.

Usage: issue-linker [subcommand] [arguments]
    -h, --help                       Show this help
    Link-Issues                      Link Snyk and Bright issues
    Verification-Scan                Run a verification scan based on Snyk Code findings

You can choose a different vendor as well, listing avialable vendors can be done with:

./issue-linker --help
Usage: issue-linker [subcommand] [arguments]
    Snyk                             Snyk Integration
    CX                               Checkmarx
    -h, --help                       Show this help


This command will link issues between Snyk and BrightSec.

Usage: issue-linker Snyk [arguments]
    -h, --help                       Show this help
    --snyk-token TOKEN               Api-Key for the snyk platform
    --snyk-org ORG                   Snyk org UUID
    --snyk-project PROJECT           Snyk project UUID
    --bright-token TOKEN             Api-Key for the Bright platform
    --bright-scan SCAN               Bright scan ID
    --output TYPE                    Type of Output, default: json. [json,markdown,ascii] (Optional)
    --update                         Update Bright issues with Snyk issue links

Example command can looks like the following for Checkmarx:

./issue-linker CX Link-Issues --bright-token XXX --cx-token XXX --cx-scan=UUID --bright-scan esmkpk584o2UHdad1s3mHj --update --output ascii

An Example of the possible markdown output:

 ------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Issue name                          | CWE     | Snyk issue URL                                                                                                                             | Bright issue URL                                                                                         |
| Cross-site Scripting (XSS)          | CWE-79  | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Cross-site Scripting (XSS)          | CWE-79  | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)  | CWE-918 | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)  | CWE-918 | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Command Injection                   | CWE-78  | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| SQL Injection                       | CWE-89  | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Cross-site Scripting (XSS)          | CWE-79  | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| XML External Entity (XXE) Injection | CWE-611 | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |
| Open Redirect                       | CWE-601 | [Snyk Issue URL]( | [Bright Issue URL]( |

Which will be parsed as a table:

Issue name CWE Snyk issue URL Bright issue URL
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) CWE-79 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) CWE-79 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) CWE-918 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) CWE-918 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Command Injection CWE-78 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
SQL Injection CWE-89 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) CWE-79 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
XML External Entity (XXE) Injection CWE-611 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL
Open Redirect CWE-601 Snyk Issue URL Bright Issue URL

Or as JSON for automation purpose:

[{"snyk_issue":{"id":"b7dae014-653a-48da-b011-3cb61442d696","title":"Cross-site Scripting (XSS)","cwe":["CWE-79"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"cHmgTrrXy8RWUxtxyD8Pk8","name":"Reflective Cross-site scripting (rXSS)","cwe":"CWE-79","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"063a7c98-2225-48a2-893f-d973df45f039","title":"Cross-site Scripting (XSS)","cwe":["CWE-79"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"trNW9XWMzXBmvQbng6oTEN","name":"Reflective Cross-site scripting (rXSS)","cwe":"CWE-79","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"3909e99d-c7b5-4a28-b8b9-e9386d3549e9","title":"Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)","cwe":["CWE-918"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"2CjaWdsEx89QojKc22iPiS","name":"Server Side Request Forgery","cwe":"CWE-918","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"876d02ab-7ddf-41bc-bd1e-bcbe96350d20","title":"Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)","cwe":["CWE-918"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"2JEsNQBg6anpX8SDKc5LuN","name":"Server Side Request Forgery","cwe":"CWE-918","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"701b3fcf-5a73-431e-844b-e2efb043f0c4","title":"Command Injection","cwe":["CWE-78"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"gGnbb91pCYYSEPsf8xGT9c","name":"OS Command Injection","cwe":"CWE-78","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"a06e7f8e-f93d-43c4-a2f2-d657251bb911","title":"SQL Injection","cwe":["CWE-89"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"myayD5vcFrxz5FyWPQMn5Q","name":"SQL DB Error Message In Response","cwe":"CWE-89","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"5dac60b3-5cce-4e57-97cc-cfa870313341","title":"Cross-site Scripting (XSS)","cwe":["CWE-79"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"n5n5VkU3krbdaDhSVAxpMQ","name":"Reflective Cross-site scripting (rXSS)","cwe":"CWE-79","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"ff85e9d1-c896-4ac1-86a9-6fbeea37c442","title":"XML External Entity (XXE) Injection","cwe":["CWE-611"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"qQMxUyZXvWw7XxiHAs5Cmr","name":"XML External Entity (XXE)","cwe":"CWE-611","url":""}},{"snyk_issue":{"id":"b36659b8-6e48-418f-bcea-50bf64d2b768","title":"Open Redirect","cwe":["CWE-601"],"url":""},"bright_issue":{"id":"1dD8ht6WGrF6djkxSnrXyu","name":"Unvalidated Redirect","cwe":"CWE-601","url":""}}]

Note Using the --update option will allow to update Bright Issues with the relevant vendor input image image image


This command will allow you to run a verification scan based on a SAST scan that was previously run.

Usage: issue-linker [subcommand] [arguments]
    -h, --help                       Show this help
    --snyk-token TOKEN               Api-Key for the snyk platform
    --snyk-org ORG                   Snyk org UUID
    --snyk-project PROJECT           Snyk project UUID
    --bright-token TOKEN             Api-Key for the Bright platform
    -t TARGET, --target TARGET       Target to scan by bright DAST
    --output TYPE                    Type of Output, default: json. [json,markdown,ascii] (Optional)

Note Target option (-t) should be provided in the following format:


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request




  • 0
  • 0
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  • 0
  • 2
  • about 1 year ago
  • May 14, 2023

MIT License

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Wed, 26 Feb 2025 23:25:41 GMT
