Sync all content from Medium or Dev.to with local folder via API
Table of Contents
Export post
Export a single medium post to local
medup https://medium.com/notes-and-tips-in-full-stack-development/medup-backups-articles-8bf90179b094
Export a single dev.to post to local
medup https://dev.to/jetthoughts/the-trial-period-for-staff-augmentation-in-jetthoughts-1h5c
Author's posts
Export all articles written by single author to special folder posts/miry
medup -u miry -d posts/miry
medup @miry -d posts/miry
Similar for Dev.to
medup --platform=devto @miry
medup --platform=devto -u miry
medup https://dev.to/miry
User's recommendations
Export all articles recommended by miry
medup -u miry -d posts/recommendations -r
medup @miry -d posts/recommendations -r
Publication's posts
Export all articles written by single author to special folder posts/miry
medup -p jetthoughts -d posts/jetthoughts
medup jetthoughts -d posts/jetthoughts
Similar for Dev.to
medup --platform=devto jetthoughts
medup --platform=devto -p jetthoughts
medup https://dev.to/jetthoughts
By default all images are embedded in the article. It is possible to save images in separate folder with arguments - --assets-images
$ medup @miry --assets-images -d posts/miry
$ tree posts/miry
├── 2017-03-20-war-with-ads-and-trackers.md
├── 2017-03-26-setup-k8s-v1-6-0-rc-1-cluster.md
├── 2017-03-28-docker-network-performance.md
└── assets
├── 0*BmauN6EER-PdvCee.jpeg
├── 0*FbFs8aNmqNLKw4BM.jpeg
├── 0*LZaURw4xtfA74nu9.jpeg
Specify assets directory
To make it is even more agile and work with Jekyl, put assets in different directory - --assets-dir=DIR
$ medup @miry --assets-images -d site/posts --assets-dir=site/assets
$ tree site
├── assets
│ ├── 0*BmauN6EER-PdvCee.jpeg
│ ├── 0*FbFs8aNmqNLKw4BM.jpeg
│ ├── 0*LZaURw4xtfA74nu9.jpeg
└── posts
├── 2017-03-20-war-with-ads-and-trackers.md
├── 2017-03-26-setup-k8s-v1-6-0-rc-1-cluster.md
├── 2017-03-28-docker-network-performance.md
Specify assets base path
Also change the path in the document to find assets with --assets-base-path=URI
. Default base path is ./assets/ASSET_NAME.XXX
. Example image: ![](./assets/1*hBBZVQZHFYJ0WWaj08bHuA.jpeg)
. With --assets-base-path=/static
the src would be /static/ASSET_NAME.XXX
. Example image: ![](/static/1*hBBZVQZHFYJ0WWaj08bHuA.jpeg)
$ medup @miry --assets-images -d tmp/posts --assets-dir=tmp/static --assets-base-path=/static
- MEDUP_GITHUB_API_TOKEN Use this GitHub personal access token when accessing the GitHub Gist.
The neat feature to mix mutliple rules in single command
medup -u miry @pftg -p jetthoughts notes-and-tips-in-full-stack-development \
https://medium.com/notes-and-tips-in-full-stack-development/medup-backups-articles-8bf90179b094 \
https://dev.to/jetthoughts \
It would download all articles for:
- user
- user
- publication
- publication
- single post "Medup backups articles"
- publication
from dev.to - single post "The Trial Period for Staff Augmentation in JetThoughts" from dev.to
- Discover all articles from user account available in public
- Allow to download all recommended articles by user
- Discover all articles from publisher, that available in public
- Download images used inside article or in
folder - Save posts in markdown format
- Convert a single article in markdown format
- Extract gists and convert to code blocks
Getting Started
Install medup
tool to the MacOS or Linux via Hombrew:
brew tap miry/medup https://codeberg.org/miry/medup
brew install medup
Run export command for Medium author miry and save articles to local folder:
medup -u miry -d .
medup -d . https://medium.com/notes-and-tips-in-full-stack-development/medup-backups-articles-8bf90179b094
Docker way to make same job:
docker run -v <path to local articles folder>:/posts -it miry/medup -u <user>
Download all articles that user has recommended:
docker run -v <path to local articles folder>:/posts -it miry/medup -u <user> --recommended -d posts/recommended
Run dumping with source code
shards install
crystal run src/cli.cr -- -u <medium user> -d <destination folder>
Example download all posts from author https://medium.com/@miry to local folder posts/miry
crystal run src/cli.cr -- -u miry -d posts/miry
Build a application binary and execute:
shards install
rake build
_output/medup -u <medium user> -d <destination folder>
By default all articles destination folder is posts
In the directory, you can find 2 format of files: .json
and .md
- JSON format is the raw, what Medium returns.
- Markdown format is simple implementation of block formated text.
Images encoded in the result document. Rich elements content are located in posts/assets
and integrated with <IFRAME>
Example of exported document.
- Original Medium post vs Exported Markdown:
- Exported Markdown in Github pages vs original Dev.to
There are possible solution to test export markdown files. Run a test Jekyll server with posts. Example:
rake demo:serve
And after it finishes you can test http://localhost:4000. Update posts for demo:
medup -v7 -d demo/_posts/ --assets-dir=demo/assets --assets-base-path=/assets <url>|<@user>|<publisher>
Test Bridgetown use next command:
rake demo:bridgetown:serve
Bridgetown has a bit different structure for posts. Use to update posts:
medup -v7 -d demo/src/_posts/ --assets-dir=demo/src/assets --assets-base-path=/assets <url>|<@user>|<publisher>
- Fork it ( https://github.com/miry/medup/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- @miry Michael Nikitochkin - creator, maintainer
- @alexanderadam Alexander - supporter
- @clawfire Thibault Milan - supporter
This project is under the LGPL-3.0 license.
Play ownself
- Clean unused assets:
for i in $(ls -1 assets/*); do grep -q "$i" *.md || echo $i; done | xargs rm
- Detect potential articles with IFRAME content for gists:
for i in $(ls -1 assets/*.html); do grep "gist.github.com" -q $i && grep -n "$i" *.md; done
- Detect potential articles' url with IFRAME content for gists:
for i in $(ls -1 assets/*.html); do grep "gist.github.com" -q $i && (grep -l "$i" *.md | xargs head | grep url); done
- Detect potential articles' url with IFRAME content for youtube:
for i in $(ls -1 assets/*.html); do grep "schema=youtube" -q $i && (grep -l "$i" *.md | xargs head | grep url); done
Medium API
Generate token on the page https://medium.com/me/settings
Create environment variable
Verify token with sample query:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://api.medium.com/v1/me
{"data":{"id":"number","username":"miry","name":"Michael Nikitochkin","url":"https://medium.com/@miry","imageUrl":"https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/fit/c/400/400/0*KgbjgGnH-csHuB8j."}}
- Check public information not covered by API
curl "https://medium.com/@miry?format=json" | cut -c17- && : Remove in the front from response some strange JS code.
- Pagination
curl "https://medium.com/@miry/latest?format=json&limit=100" | cut -c17- && : Remove in the front from response some strange JS code.
- Post info
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://medium.com/@miry/c35b40c499e\?format\=json\&limit\=100
- Stream
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://medium.com/_/api/users/fdf238948af6/profile/stream?source=overview" | cut -c17-
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://medium.com/_/api/users/fdf238948af6/profile/stream?limit=100&page=3" | cut -c17- > stream.json
cat stream.json| jq ".payload.references.Post[].title"
cat stream.json| jq ".payload.paging.next"
- Recommendations
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://medium.com/@miry/has-recommended | cut -c17-
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://medium.com/_/api/users/fdf238948af6/profile/stream?source=has-recommended" | cut -c17-
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
- about 1 year ago
- October 26, 2023
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Sat, 21 Dec 2024 22:32:58 GMT